Cross-vane at Broad Street Hollow Restoration ProjectIn Greene County, the Soil & Water Conservation District has always had a strong involvement with water resources. With steep mountainous slopes and runoff events characterized by intense short duration rainfall, the streams in the Western portion of the county are frequently subjected to both small and large scale floods and the damage they bring. Whether it is a flood mitigation project with FEMA/SEMO, a stream restoration or stormwater retrofit project for water quality benefits, or assistance to streamside landowners with erosion problems, a significant portion of GCSWCD's work load is related to streams, floodplains, and stormwater.

Since 1995, the District's activities related to stream restoration and management have greatly increased in both number and scope due to New York City Watershed protection issues. Whereas in the past our projects focused on the "site" level, we now have comprehensive stream management plans for all streams within the Schoharie Basin, and we follow these plans to restore natural stability to larger stream reaches and floodplains. Our programs have adopted the use of the Rosgen Stream Classification System, and we integrate the principles of natural channel design and low impact development in our restoration and remediation work.

Schoharie Basin Project Summary

The Schoharie Basin Project Summary provides information on a selection of full channel stream restoration, stormwater, riparian restoration, streambank stabilization, infrastructure and floodplain restoration projects that have been completed since 1999 as part of the Schoharie Basin Stream Management Program.
View the Schoharie Basin Project Summary

Restoration and Retrofit Projects